martes, 26 de febrero de 2019


"Desde su introducción en el viejo continente, al #Chocolate se le atribuyeron propiedades terapéuticas contra la fatiga, el desánimo y la falta de energía, además de cualidades nutritivas. Fue recomendado por obispos y gobernantes y pronto se expandió su uso como bebida de disfrute recreativo. 
Sin embargo, según reseña el mexicano Rafael González Córdova en su blog de tradiciones 'Como en el tianguis', durante un buen tiempo las monjas carmelitas de un convento en el país azteca prohibieron a las hermanas y novicias consumir este dulce por 'inflamar las pasiones'”.

SOLE Chocolate negro 86%

 Cien gramos a 2.5 euros


jueves, 21 de febrero de 2019

XOCOLATA negre - Fundación Dalmases

Chocolate Negro de Fundación Casa DALMASES

Tres euros cincuenta la tableta de cien gramos


CACAO: Ocho surcos y CUATRO lomos PARES

Hoy logramos identificar una plants de cacao nativo que produce frutos con 8 surcos y 4 lomos pareados en la parcela de David Jimenez Vera.
La imagen puede contener: planta, flor y exterior

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2019


Call for potential candidates from Latin America that are interested in doing a PhD at Wageningen University

Research focus: socio-economic and environmental impacts and mitigation of trace-metal contamination and climate change in cocoa production
Members of an international consortium are developing the interdisciplinary research program “COCOAndina”, led by Wageningen University. We would like to get in touch with potential candidates from Latin America who seek admission to the PhD program of Wageningen University,andwhoarehighlymotivatedandpreparedtodoresearchtosupporttransitionstowards a resilient and inclusive cocoa sector in the Andean countries of SouthAmerica.

About the project:

COCOAndina is an international multidisciplinary research program and seeks to enhance the capacities of cocoa farmers - and the landscapes and value chains in which they operate
tomitigateoradapttothenegativeimpactsofnewfoodsafetyregulationandofclimate change, focussing on Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Project partners are AGROSAVIA (Colombia), ESPOL (Ecuador), GRADE and UNALM (Peru), and the international organizations CIAT, Bioversity andCIRAD.
The overall objectives of the program are: (i) to develop an interdisciplinary understanding of the factors that determine system responses and adaptation to critical disturbances affecting the cocoa sector in the Andean countries, and (ii) to use this understanding to co-design innovations for resilient and socially inclusive cocoa farms and landscapes.
The program is currently being evaluated and a final decision about funding will be known in April 2019. In case the program is successful, it offers significant co-funding in the form of 9 partial sandwich PhD scholarships and research funds. A list of PhD topics is provided below.
TocomplementtherequiredfundingforafullsandwichPhDscholarshipadditionalfundingisneeded. Therefore,weencourageinterestedcandidatestoapplyforoneormoreofthescholarshipprograms in their home country. Given the deadlines for the scholarship applications action is requirednow.

Sandwich PhD program:

ThePhDcandidatewillspendthefirst6monthsatWageningenUniversity.Duringthistime,youwill develop your research proposal and follow a tailor-made training program. The next thirty months will be spent conducting research in (one of) the COCOAndina countries under the supervision of a localsupervisor.Afteryouhavefinishedcollectingallyourdata,youreturntoWageningentofinish the PhD thesis during the last 12months.

What do you need to do?

1.         Carefully check the eligibility criteria for the Wageningen PhD program (seebelow)
2.         Ifyouthinkyouareeligiblecontactusandletusknowthefieldofresearchorprojectyouwould be interestedin.
3.         We can direct you to different scholarship opportunities applicable to yourcountry
4.         We welcome your application for one of the PhD positions to be announced around June 2019, in the case the project isgranted.
5.         Successful PhD candidates are expected to start their PhD around October2019.

To express your interest of obtain more information please contact:

Ekatherina Vásquez: e.vasquezamb@gmail.com
Mirjam Pulleman: mirjam.pulleman@wur.nlm.pulleman@cgiar.org

Proposed PhD topics under COCOAndina:

Sustainable supply of cocoa from the Andean region: an assessment of risks and adaptation potentials
PhD 2
Resilience and adaptive capacities of cocoa farmers to different disturbances (food safety regulation and climate change)
Uptake, allocation and re-allocation of trace metals in cacao
The role of organic matter for Cd mitigation, soil health and cacao productivity
Climate-change adaptation strategies for cocoa at field and farm level
Cadmium post-harvest mitigation strategies: their efficacy and effects on the quality of cocoa beans
Exploring inclusive, context-relevant and value-driven innovation processes and co- design of cocoa farm production systems and farmer organisations
Exploring inclusive, context-relevant and value-driven innovation processes and co- design of cocoa value chain governances and policy
PhD 9
Effects of mineral nutrient status on cacao yields and bean cadmium concentrations

Admission  criteria of  Wageningen  PhD programme     (https://www.wur.nl/en/Education-Programmes/PhD-Programme.htm).
·      Diplomasofhighereducation(bothBScandMScincludingtranscriptsofacademicrecords).The minimumrequirementistheequivalentofaMaster’sdegree.Anadditionalofficialtranslationis required if the documents are not in English, Dutch, French, German, Spanish orAfrikaans.
·       If you are not Dutch, from a non-Anglophone country and you have not completed your higher education with English as the language of instruction, you have to submit an internationally recognised Certificate of Proficiency in the English Language. Minimum requiredscores:
o   TOEFL internet-based 90, with minimum sub-score 23 forspeaking
o   IELTS 6.5, with minimum sub-score 6.0 forspeaking
o   Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (CAE) with minimum gradeB
o   Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English(CPE)

Scholarships programs in Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia

1.         Ecuador: Senescythttp://servicios.senescyt.gob.ec/
2.         Peru:
·      Concytec     –     Fondecyt     http://www.fondecyt.gob.pe/convocatorias/becas/becas-de-doctorado-en-el-extranjero-2017-01)
·       PRONABEC - Beca Presidente:http://www.pronabec.gob.pe/2018_BecaPresidente.php

3.         Colombia:Colfuturo:https://www.colfuturo.org/convocatoria.Upcomingdeadline28February.


Dos euros en el Espacio Schengen

7.53 soles al cambio del día

viernes, 8 de febrero de 2019

Escola de Pastissería Catalunya Museu de la Xocolata BCN

Valorando las mejoras en los Chocolates Peruanos

Gracias a los Productores de Cacao del Perú, 

a la Escola de Pastisseria de Barcelona, el Museu de la Xocolata de Barcelona y a la 

Universidad Científica del Sur de Lima Perú.

Feb 05, 2019

Olivier Fernández, Director de la Escola de Pastissería del Gremio de Barcelona.

Gracias al apoyo de la carrera de Ingeniería Agroforestal de la Universidad Científica del Sur, Lima Perú y a la Escuela de Pastelería del Gremio. Cataluña.

Responsable Santiago Pastor-Soplín

lunes, 4 de febrero de 2019


100 g de chocolate al 72% en el empaque que pueden apreciar, en anaquel para el público a 3.08 soles ...

No hay ninguna descripción de la foto disponible.
 No hay ninguna descripción de la foto disponible.
